Curating Care Commoning coop (CCCcoop)
>>[dictionary like definition]

## What are contemporary perspectives on curating in and with human/computer networks?

>>the process of protecting someone or something and providing what that person or thing needs

## What is care and how does it manifest?

CCCcoop is a collective of curators and others others assembled in temporally durational spaces on and offline, to generate methods, observations, interventions and recursive questioning of curating, caring and commoning. CCCcoop connects to expand and s[t]imulate practical thinking about how we curate, how we care and make commons in the digital context.
>>the relationships that exist between two people, organizations, or countries, and whether these are good or bad

## What are consequences for ethics and care when collaborating in sociotechnical assemblages that transform methods, collaborations and human–machine relations?

>>belonging to or shared by two or more people, or things

>>time and space of struggle for...

## In what way does curating as practice contribute to making of commons?

## What becomes of curating when it is part of commons making?

How to coop with CCCC:

Use this website as a visual canvas to build a collective glossary and timeline of curatorial projects.
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