Curating Care Commoning coop (CCCcoop)
>>the process of protecting someone or something and providing what that person or thing needs

## What is care and how does it manifest?

(add definition, date and author name and url + your name avatar)

#1:"Caring is not intrinsically “nice”, it always involve power relations. Processes of discipline, exclusion and harm can operate inside the matrix of care.
added by CCCcoop

#1: Critique or Care? Why Should I care? Care or Cuts?
#2: What makes a network caring?
#3: How can we perform careless curation?


@curious_lauren, 2019
Care in Different languages
English; care
Dutch; Verzorgen

Birttish vs American English
- other care systems
- more sectors (e.g. urgent care, GP)

Care systems around the world
- direct vs indirect systems (referrals) 

curating in...
- natural science
- art

Translating care polish/english/polish [google translate]

language as data / data as value

Pip Thornton {} 2016

The process:

Scrape the text of an online poem

Feed the words of the poem through the Google AdWords keyword planner

Return the poem to narrative order and format

Add a checksum as ‘authorisation code’

Print the monetised poem out on a receipt printer

Screenshot from "ONLINE | Training for the Not-Yet: Protocols in the Making," organized by the Vera List Center on Tuesday, May 19, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT.
To care can feel good; it can also feel awful. It can do good; it can oppress.

– Bellacasa, introduction, p.1

Care is not about fusion; it can be about the right distance

– Bellacasa, introduction, p.5
"Affirming the speculative as a general orientation, of course, somehow presupposes a
critical approach to the present. Why would one want other possible worlds
if nothing was wrong with this one?...

Affirming the speculative in ethics invokes an indecisive critical
approach, one that doesn’t seek refuge in the stances it takes, aware and
appreciative of the vulnerability of any position on the “as well as possible.”
(Matters of Care, Maria Puig De La BellaCasa)

“Care as a concrete work of maintenance, with ethical and affective implications, and as a vital politics in interdependent worlds is an
important conception that this book inherits from. These three dimensions of
care—labor/ work, affect/affections, ethics/politics—are not necessarily
equally distributed in all relational situations... the triptych of care”
(Matters of Care, Maria Puig De La Bellacasa)

I also argued that one cannot care for everything, that care also produces cuts. - maria puig de la bellacasa and sjoerd van tuinen
From Bellacasa, Introduction, p. 16.
Care -

Care is comprised of practices (work) of care; ethics of care; principles of care; politics of care; affective dispositions; (p.3-11)
What it allows us
o emphasize is that a politics of care engages much more than a moral
stance; it involves affective, ethical, and hands-on agencies of practical and
material consequence.
As Anne Marie Mol emphasizes in her elucidation of a logic of care in doctoring practices: "Articulating 'good care' ... is an intervention" rather than a factual evaluation or judgment of practice. In this book i thus explore care as intinsically involving an entical and political intervention that affects also those who are researching care. Because speaking of "good care" - or of as-well-as-possible care - is never neutral. Because the work of care can be done within and for worlds that we might find objectionable. For what care is given?
Matters of Care, p. 7

where is care situated in digital
For Joan Tronto and Bernice Fischer , this includes everything that we do to maintain, continue and repari "our world" so that we can live in it as well as possible. That world included our bodies, our selves, and our environment, all of which we seek to interweave in a complex, life-sustaining web.
Distributed Web of Care is an initiative to code to care and code carefully.

The project imagines the future of the internet and consider what care means for a technologically-oriented future. The project focuses on personhood in relation to accessibility, identity, and the environment, with the intention of creating a distributed future that’s built with trust and care, where diverse communities are prioritized and supported.

The project is composed of collaborations, educational resources, skillshares, an editorial platform, and performance. Announcements and documentation are hosted on this site, as well as essays by select artists, technologists, and activists.

what is value of care?
what is relation between care and management?
What is the difference between care and management—could this comparison allow us to understand the concept better?

Care: If you care about something, you feel that it is important and are concerned about it. If you care for someone or something, you look after them and keep them in a good state or condition.

Management: Management is the control and organizing of a business or other organization. Management is the way people control different parts of their lives.

Two examples of management v. care in digital preservation networks:



Doc as Tool of the Caring Network Sharing:
'ethical'= putting humans and sustainability before profit

Not necessarily a 'project' in the classical sense, but this is a website which aimed to making ethical the new standard. They have broken down various everyday things humans encounter and made making 'ethical' choices easier in everyday life alongside articles

Categories include:
Sustainable Art Projects
Ethical web-browsers
How to make your wedding stainable
PLATO (above) v. Rhizome (below) 
What is interesting to me is that both projects share the same goal—i.e., to develop a set of networked infrastructure for digital objects (data, files, software) preservation. But can we say that they approach the same goal with two different attitudes, however, managing v. caring. Is the essence of the concept of care, then, in the ethical values and affective predisposition we take to our work? Could we talk about curation as care v curation as management?

Play as form of networked care
"You take [the user’s position] as a position of power and you say, this is what I will do: I will preserve the encounter with that artwork instead of all of its possible forms. You can also preserve two or three encounters or so. And it can actually be done—rather than not preserving anything, because a preservation specialist will say, “I would not be able to get everything, that's a job badly done, I will rather not do it.” from